
want her back.....

So typically I am a private person, so doing this whole blog thing is a part of me breaking from that and sharing things I only would let those close to me know. I mean there is still that need to keep some things to myself but it's also a part of letting go and being vulnerable to some extent. I still havent told anyone about me blogging, but I prefer to find my groove and figure out why I am really doing this and what "blogging" really is before I tell anyone. So for now I guess this is kind of for myself and whoever runs across my page!

Anyway today I had a total out of character experience, some girlfriends were over and we were looking through my monthly publication of Essence and there was a section with hot "eye drool" (LOL) So out of a dare I emailed one... Is this why you dont mix the liq with crazy friends and crazy days! I so cant believe I did it and not that I am expecting anything but it was actually kind of cool to step out of "me" for a minute and just do something!

I remember when I was younger I had no fears and was always the crazy one out of the bunch of my friends, I would be the one to walk up to someone and just start a conversation, or hop on the back of a bike and go for a ride with someone I didnt even know, and when we would travel I would never do touristy (could be a word! LOL)crap, I would so be about hanging with the locals, doing things and going places, looking back probably were not the safest things/places to do/be! (thank GOD for my mother's prayers!) but thats who I was, so what happened somewhere between then and now, I lost that I became reserved or an adult. WTF!?! (LOL)

Dont get me wrong I'm not boring but I am not that person anymore!

I am not really sure what happened or when but I am working to find that person again, cause I miss her and want her back!