
is crazy contagious!?!

I try not to complain about things because I know that things could be worse in general and there is always someone in a worse off situation that what I think I am in, but....

Sometimes I wonder why can't I just win the lottery and never have to work again. Don't get me wrong I work for a non-profit in the capacity of dealing with individuals who are chronically homeless, have high mental illness, and substance abuse issues. I love what I do, I am happy to have a job and I go home everyday feeling like I did something, like my work isnt in vain and it's far from the world of coporate america which I dont miss at all.

But then there are days like this and I come to work and before nooon I find myself saying WTF, really people are you serious!?!
What is worng with people and why cant they use common sense, sometimes I think that being crazy is contagious!
Some days I start to wonder when does crazy become too much and if insanity is in fact infectious and if so I think I am slowly catching it!!!