
the date that will never happen again! (LOL)

so it has been a while since i have been on a date from hell and after today i think i may reconsider dating and men being in the same sentence a curse! (LOL)
i dont like dating to begin with, i am much better in a relationship than i am when i am dating, i dont think dating is fun and to be honest i find it to be a waste of time.
i mean i guess some of this disaster may have to do with me, i am still not feeling all that well but given the last few times he asked me out i had something going on so i forewarned that i am a walking germ and maybe tonight was not a good night but he insisted, so i said let's do something chill, maybe bowl or go play pool, something i can throw on my glasses cause i am not touching my eye balls be it my luck i may contract pink eye from all my germs or my eye ball may fall out (LOL) any way i can throw on some jeans and some boots and my glasses and a big enough person to carry my box of Kleenex! he said this was cool with him, so i let him come pick me up which i never do, but because chronic sneezing and coughing is extremely dangerous while driving and i think you can only talk yourself out of a ticket once and being i dont want to find out if i can use that as an excuse twice i thought this would be safer for everyone on the road! so he ask what i want to do and i (in my head of course) am thinking didnt we already have this convo and worse how do you ask someone on a date and not have a plan, there is nothing worse than 15 minutes of "it doesnt matter, what do you want to do" (ugh) red flag and yet i didnt jump out of the car at the next red light, mind you when i dont feel good i have low tolerance and patience for people both of which would have been nice to have for this dimwit! anyway i say lets go for burgers he says okay and we end up at bucca's (ugh) red flag number two he doesnt listen very well, i have a 6 and a 4 year old who have mastered this obviously some people never grow out of this! (LOL) so he ask what i would like i say chicken parmesan and he orders lasagna for me, wtf! all the while he is talking about himself, i think i may have said a few words and they happened to be "excuse me while i got to the ladies room" anyway after listening to him talk about him the bill comes and he proceeds to tell me what my half is, and not that i never go anywhere without knowing i can pay for myself or be able to get home, so i stay calm and i pay for my half, by this point i start to initiate my chronic cough and sneezing and say repeatedly i am a little tired not really feeling that well, however he just didnt get it! so he suggest we meet up with his friends at a local bar where he knows the band thats playing, so i think great why not, because hanging out with not only the asshole, but the assholes friends has to be way more fun, so as i sit contemplating sneezing a snot gob on him as he drives, i started to think i value my life and i dont want him to get into an accident at least not on my side of the car! (LOL) so we get to the bar and i meet the asshole crew and i keep thinking these are the things nightmares are made of and if i was sleeping and freddy was about to slash me i would welcome it, so of course they say lets get a drink, so i say sure because it cant get any worse, so everyone gets drinks, he orders me a drink and he has the nerves to ask me to get this round, seriously i am going to buy you and 4 of your friends drinks i dont even like you and you ordered some shit i would never drink, so i say sure lets order a round of shots too, and ill be right back i need to run to the atm, i ended up sneaking out the back door got in a cab turned my phone off and went home, climbed in my bed and started writing this. lesson learned...never ever go out with someone who refers to themselves in third or fourth person! (LOL)