

these past few months have been a trying time in the world of friendships for me, the first major blow was my best friend of 21 years was diagnosed with breast cancer, seeing her and being by her side while she was going through chemo and everything, i realized how much i take people and my own health for granted, this whole thing was such an eye opener, in a way this ordeal brought us soo much closer, i never knew that our relationship could get any closer, we already spent so much time together we talked everyday we have been in each others lives for so long, i mean we even would finish each other sentences and know what the other was thinking before we thought it, but being with her during this trial in her life made us that much closer, and it was such a blessing to be able to be with her through this journey, though we are not out of the woods yet i was thankful to be her rock when she needed it. i feel like everyone in my life is there for a reason and i am so thankful for all the people in my life and sometimes as friends we dont always treat each other right or say the right things or even pick up the phone when we know we should. this year more than any year i learned to be a better friend and allow people to be a better friend to me and it is an amazing feeling.

"a man's growth is seen in the successive choirs of his friends" -ralph waldo emerson