
some people are just meant to be.....

tijuana jackson, first off how can you not take life advice from a dude that cyphers gas from a school bus while the kids are on their and is smoking a cigarette!?!  626, oh hell naw not on my phone, who gets busted for going to pick up a set of Ginsu knives with the bamboo wood blocks with a warrant!?!

oh yeah he is trying to give you legitimate information....

im flashy, im good looking, i wear chains and shit, i cant be a professional, confer-monfer! (lol)
(who says this stuff)

i noticed you was having a little bit of a dilemma....  an investigation of your self image is in order! (wtf)

i know i have seen this episode a million times but i swear it gets funnier every time i see it and see him.

i mean just cause im breaking you down to build you up, i mean dont take offense to it, it wont work!

you just cant save everyone some people are meant to be fucked up! (lol)

i needed a laugh tonight, between my life coach and the hide and seek game on portlandia, i may be set for life.

if you never have seen funny or die presents or been on the website, you are so missing out!