
negative testing!

oh the joys of summer!  the feeling of happiness you get when the sun hits your face is incredible and after 10 months of winter the warm weather is definitely welcomed with open arms!
in my line of work the warm weather also brings out the most interesting thoughts in peoples heads, case in point...
tuesday a resident walked in my office to tell me that he did an IQ test on me and it came back negative.  i thought wisely before i replied cause as you can imagine this was a shock to me, for one i didnt know you did not have to be present yourself to take the test and two i didnt know that it gave positive or negative results! (LOL)  so i asked well i didnt know that the test can give positive or negative results, i thought it was scored using a numerical value, so how would one score positive or negative and why did i score a negative? (humor me please is what i was thinking) he began to state that positive means your smart and negative your not, so again i asked why am i not, he stated for the last two months you have sent me a letter saying that i owe "x" amount to you and for the past two month i have not paid and yet you sent the letter again this month and that is not a "smart" use of your time or energy, in case you havent noticed i am not going to pay! SMH, i thought, he is so right, i couldnt even argue.  i have to admit his IQ test was right, and i just scored a negative! (LOL)